Sofia Pineda - Blog post 1

 This week in marine biology I learned about the 3 different classes of fishes. There is the class

Agnatha, class Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous), and class Osteichthyes (bony). The differences

between the three classes is their anatomy. Some anatomy that I learned and got to identify in

person with an Osteichthyes fish is the lateral line, the pectoral and dorsal fins. The lateral line

helps them to sense water movement. The pectoral fins are adapted for their maneuverability

and the dorsal fins are used as rudders to steer and provide stability. I also got to dissect and

identify organs such as the heart, liver, and gonads of the fish. I learned the way to Identify the

sex of the fish by the color of the gonads, white are male and orangish-pink color is females!


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